Semiconductor lighting industry
Number:C040 Hits:335
Time:2013-03-26 18:54:16
The wide application and potential energy saving boiler furnace, motor system, heat and pressure utilization and other key areas, the major technology and equipment industry demonstration, large-scale applications, the formation of a large 10-15 fluidized bed boiler, pulverized coal gasification (15.25,0.14,0.93%), regenerative combustion, high efficient heat exchanger with high efficient combustion and heat transfer technology for the characteristics of the manufacturing base; 15-20 rare earth permanent magnet coreless motor, high voltage frequency control, reactive power compensation, motor and its control system industrialization base; 5-10 low grade heat generation, low concentration methane utilization of waste heat utilization equipment manufacturing base. By 2015, energy efficient technology and equipment market share increased from less than 5% to about $30%, the output value reached $500 billion.